Sexual Violence in History: A Bibliography

compiled by Stefan Blaschke


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Start: Topical Index: Cases: Mythological Cases:

Cases: Mythological Cases:

G e n e r a l   I n f o r m a t i o n

»Chrysippus was the bastard son of Pelops, king of Pisa in the Peloponnesus, and the nymph Axioche or Danais.« -- More information: Wikipedia

Rape by Laius

I n f o r m a t i o n

»In Greek mythology, King Laius (/ˈleɪəs, ˈlaɪəs/ L(A)Y-əs) or Laios (Ancient Greek: Λάϊος, romanized: Láïos) of Thebes was a key personage in the Theban founding myth.
After the death of his father Labdacus, Laius was raised by the regent Lycus but Amphion and Zethus usurped the throne of Thebes. Some Thebans, wishing to see the line of Cadmus continue, smuggled the young Laius out of the city before their attack, in which they killed Lycus and took the throne. Laius was welcomed by Pelops, king of Pisa in the Peloponnesus. According to some sources, Laius abducted and raped the king's son, Chrysippus, and carried him off to Thebes while teaching him how to drive a chariot, or as Hyginus records it, during the Nemean Games. Because of this, Laius is considered by many to be the originator of pederastic love, and the first pederastic rapist.« -- More information: Wikipedia

K e y w o r d s

I. Chronological Index: Ancient History: Greek History | I. Geographical Index: Ancient History: Greek History | III. Topical Index: Types: Rape / Same-Sex Rape; Offenders: Social Status: Noblemen; Victims: Reactions: Suicide; Social Status: Noblemen

B i b l i o g r a p h y

Representations in Literature

Authors: Euripides